Setup your recurring billing plans with multiple items, taxes, and government fees. Recurring Billing Plans can be a combination of straight fee items as well as items that are setup by units such as minutes or megabytes. Plans can include base rates and overages based upon usage such as 29.95 for 500 minutes and $5 for each 50 minutes over base usage. Track how many customers are on each billing cycle and billing plan.
Quickly find customer by their plans, account numbers, customer IDs, cycle end date, or billing date. Group customers together to run reporting on billing plans. View multiple accounts by customer. Edit and prorate cycle end date. Upgrade and downgrade services, items on the billing plans, or cost plans. If plans are changed in the middle of the month, you can choose to prorate both plans for partial months on the customer’s next bill or keep the old price for the full billing period.
You can take payments manually, attach them to a payment system, run auto pays, or upload a payment file from another system. You can take multiple payments from multiple sources. You can see and transfer over payments and credits to customer’s next bill or another account by same customers. We have tools so that you can easily find and run batch transfers that will find pending credits and roll them forward to the current monthly statements in batch mode saving countless man-hours of manual data entry.
Search billing statements to find out how much you billed during a specific date range, billing period or Recurring Billing Plan. See how much has been paid, how much is still owned. Run auto payments for customers who have their credit card or bank information on file. Upload payment files from another payment system. Email or print statements to be sent to your customers. Call centers would also use this screen to handle customer service inquiries.
Upload or insert one off transactions to track items such as Pay Per View, Downloads, Ring Tones, or any item the customer purchases during the month that is charged in addition to their normal billing plan.
Here we see a recurring billing plan setup with base usage, overage, government fees and state sales tax.