Customer Management Software, Sales Tracking Software
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Service Management Software

• Scheduling
• Reporting
• Accounting

ProBusinessTools® Customers Sales and Tracking Software

Management Software Click to view

Main Screen Dashboard:

What would business management software be without reporting? Quickly see an overview of your company’s success when you log in. This page also dynamically changes for each user or technician to show only the data that pertains to their job function. We have 100s of easy to use, easy to understand reports and dashboards to help you review all aspects of your business.

Customer Sales Order Search Click to view

Sales Search:

Keep track of your sales and customer information using the sales search modules. From here you can quickly find the orders you are looking for based upon job numbers, ticket ID, order date range, completed date range, QA results, last contacted, statuses, locations, etc. Each user’s security limits those to just the data that they should have access to base upon user security.

Customer Sales Search Results Click to view

Sales Results:

From the sales results page you can quickly edit a customer’s sales order, change the status, update notes, review last called information, send email to customer, review customer payment status, and conduct and record QA questions.

Company Reports Click to view

Company Reports:

The Company Reports section contains a variety of reports to help you keep track of your company's day to day operations. You can customize each report based on order type, installer, sales person and point of sale. Your reports can be displayed based on individual dates or selectable date ranges. With the customization that is available you are able to easily find the information you need to run your business.

Installer Reports Click to view

Custom Paperwork:

Custom paperwork, terms and conditions, work order invoices, and other forms and documents can be created and customized so that field service technicians and employees can print out the correct documents for each work order. Our text editor allows you to place data fields automatically into the forms and documents.


"As a company operating 24/7, and also being based outside of the U.S., we were concerned about the level of support we would receive, especially on a hosted platform. These concerns were short lived."
Vinay Joshi, IT Manager (Green Dot Limited)

"We have loved PBT since 2004. We can honestly say we would not be here without it. PBT has the ability to give your company the polished professional skills and appearance you need to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment."
Tim Bolin, Manager, (DigiStar Genesis)

"My company’s daily jobs cannot survive without ProBusinessTools. Since our business relies heavily on nationwide installation, we could not accept any jobs without this tool."
Ricki, General Manager, (PowerSat USA)

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Service Software for your Industry

Click here to view additional features of ProBusinessTools Software!
Reports and Dashboards Scheduling and Dispatching Software Technician Management Work Order Software Recurring Billing Inventory Management Accounting Software User Security Management Mobile Applications

Take advantage of our free online demo, today! 877-583-3232

Anywhere there's an Internet connection our software is accessible - from the office, at home, or on the road.